
Your vCard is, in a way, like your Internet business card. It acknowledges you as an author, shows the date for each one of your posts, etc.

Africa Freak vcard

In addition, a larger vCard version (bottom of posts) has its own customizable avatar (photo) and entices the reader to connect with the author on social media.

When people click on your “Author Name”, they are redirected to your Author Page. The Author Page consists of an Extended Bio, space for your Social Media Network, and a listing of all your current Article Submissions.

How to Set Up your vCard’s Avatar

If you don’t have an avatar (photo) to go with your vCard yet, visit Register and choose an image that you’d like to use for the website.

NB: Make sure the email address provided in your gravatar profile corresponds to the one submitted on the Africa Freak registration form, otherwise the avatar will not be recognized by our website.